The Big Hair Ball 2022

An Epicurean Style

为皮埃蒙特家庭服务中心筹集资金从来没有像现在这样重要过, and the Big Hair Ball 2022, 4月2日在皇冠足彩网体育馆举行的, was a most successful event. From start to finish, 这个晚上充满了有趣和夸张的时尚设计, makeup by top artists in the Piedmont Triad, and of course, the BIG hair designs.

今年的主题是“伊壁鸠鲁风格”,这是设计的灵感来源. 该协会和皮埃蒙特家庭服务初级协会(FSP)主办了一年一度的活动, which has raised over $1.5 million since it started ten years ago. 筹集的资金将用于FSP的皇冠足彩网项目. 所有参加展览的模特都是高中生,他们作为志愿者在少年协会工作了几年,才有资格获得成为大毛球模特的荣誉.

大毛球是皇冠足彩app在高级时装赞助层面回馈社会的重要方式. 今年,Woodruff和ValuePointe的团队成员.biz, headed by the late Dwight A. Ensley是Carolyn Woodruff心爱的丈夫,他为Woodruff团队选择了三个设计方案.

我们的白鲸鱼子酱设计令人眼花缭乱的人造鱼子酱列车和令人惊叹的头饰. Designer Kasey Condon created the dress, the hair was designed by Olivia Burkart, and the makeup by artist Sheena White. 伊丽莎白·科默(Elizabeth Comer)是这种设计的模特,也是第一个为大毛舞会走秀的模特.

Next up was the Charcuterie Board design, 由服装设计师Maddie Shue设计的华丽手绘面料. 发型师奥利维亚·伯卡特(Olivia Burkart)和模特萨拉·埃德蒙兹(Sarah Edmonds)设计的这款精美的头饰反映了Charcuterie Board的概念. Artist Sheena White provided makeup.

Finally, 当Baklava模特凯蒂·奥克利身着由设计师斯蒂芬妮·塔斯特设计的耀眼礼服走上t台时,所有人的目光都集中在她身上. 这条裙子映衬出美丽的金光闪闪的布料,真正点亮了这个夜晚. For the headpiece, 发型设计师奥利维亚·伯卡特(Olivia Burkart)设计了一大块富有艺术气息的果仁蜜饼,为这个主题“盖上了帽子”. 艺术家希娜·怀特(Sheena White)的金色妆容反映了果仁蜜饼的设计.

As Catie made her last turn on the runway, the exquisite train was flipped, and there was a collective gasp in the audience. The train, by designer Stephanie Tastet, featured a tribute that included the words, "In loving memory of Dwight A. Ensley," along with a beautiful image of Dwight. 当这个设计以这样一种特殊的方式展示了这位伟人的奉献和服务时,许多与会者的眼中都含着泪水. 德怀特从一开始就是大毛球不可分割的一部分. 他于3月5日去世,就在2022年4月2日的活动前不久.

我们要表彰WFLG在团队中服务的工作人员的奉献精神. 从设计理念到走秀,这个团队都很出色. Design inspirations were as follows:

  • 白鲸鱼子酱的设计灵感来自于卡罗琳和德怀特的俄罗斯之旅以及他们对交际舞的热爱.
  • 熟食板的设计灵感来自公司业务经理Stephanie Griffin.

Judi Rossabi, Communications Director, served as team coordinator for the designers, models, and assistants.

几名工作人员还从繁忙的工作中抽出时间对模特和设计师进行视频采访. 克莱尔·塔尔伯特在Salon 440现场采访了发型设计师. In an exciting look behind the scenes, 劳雷尔·哈蒙用变焦技术采访了这三个模特. 斯蒂芬妮·格里芬去纤维空间采访化妆师和纤维空间的老板希娜·怀特. Special thank you to video editor John Davis.

伍德拉夫团队的感谢招待会于2022年5月12日在纤维空间举行. 特别设计的大毛球奖杯被颁发给了卡罗琳·伍德拉夫, CEO, Woodruff Family Law Group; Indira Lindsay Roberts, Executive Director of the Big Hair Ball; Designer Stephanie Tastet; Designer Kasey Condon, Makeup Artist Sheena White; and Hair Designers Olivia Burkart and her assistant Taylor. 招待会上的食物是一块烤肉板,还有果仁蜜饼作为甜点!


皮埃蒙特家庭服务是一个501(c)(3)非营利组织,为超过19个家庭提供服务,000 local children and adults each year, addressing issues of domestic violence, child abuse, mental health, and financial stability.

Note: The Big Hair Ball, originally scheduled for December 2021, 由于COVID-19大流行而推迟到2022年4月.